CALIS AgriXpress is an online digital eCommerce brokerage hub that serves and positions itself as a market gateway for producers and consumers of agro products and services. The CALIS AgriXpress online solution is purposely supporting marketability of agribusiness products, services and related data and resources. The platform and corresponding solutions provides the requisite standards for 3rd party developers, suppliers of agro products and services including, retailers, producers, manufacturers, farmers, last mile delivery service providers and other related distribution functions in the agribusiness chain.
Via the CALIS AgriXpress solutions and platform, user and/or enduser consumers and producers are guaranteed the following;
The purpose of CALIS AgriXpress online solution is to support the marketability of agribusiness products, services and related data and resources. The platform and corresponding solutions provides the requisite standards for 3rd party developers, suppliers of agro products and services including, retailers, producers, manufacturers, farmers, last mile delivery service providers and other related distribution functions in the agribusiness chain.