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The Company Novitek Solutions ApS

Novitek Solutions ApS with head office in Denmark is a leading-edge software house specializing in semantic technologies for content and knowledge management in networked embedded environments. We are also a responsive provider and adviser for technical services, innovation, applied research and support. Novitek have the expertise for delivering top quality research and innovative solutions within the core technology areas of IT systems for automation, intelligent signal processing and control, including digital radio communication, wireless sensors, network security, digital media, network technologies, applications and the market impact of these. Our research team of experts provides executable strategies and processes, and tools to help SMEs, clients and businesses address key growth-related challenge

The company has established a strong position within AI, Blockchain, Knowledge Management and Decision Support Systems, Edge Computing and Cloud based integrated information management platforms (i.e., development of tools for internet of things applications, middleware and web services focusing on semantic interoperability between heterogeneous devices, information sources and services). Our remote management solutions are able to integrate both Hi-tech and low-tech Energy management equipment, machinery and devices with information systems and supports.

Our long-term vision is to contribute to establishing the Internet of Things and Services, where physical devices and appliances can be used as easily as any web service and seamlessly integrated into any networked application. We are continuously improving our developed systems and middleware to acquire, organize, personalize and share the knowledge embedded in devices, databases and open data. Our technologies achieve semantic interoperability between heterogeneous devices, information sources and services, and allow our customers to maximize automation of the knowledge life-cycle.

Our CALIS AgriXpress Brokerage System (CAB)

CALIS AgriXpress is an online digital eCommerce brokerage hub that serves and positions itself as a market gateway for producers and consumers of agro products and services. The CALIS AgriXpress online solution is purposely supporting marketability of agribusiness products, services and related data and resources. The platform and corresponding solutions provides the requisite standards for 3rd party developers, suppliers of agro products and services including, retailers, producers, manufacturers, farmers, last mile delivery service providers and other related distribution functions in the agribusiness chain.

Via the CALIS AgriXpress solutions and platform, user and/or enduser consumers and producers are guaranteed the following;

  • Access to agricultural marketing information, and other resources across national borders.
  • Provision of the requisite tools, platform and solutions for agribusiness professional networking, sharing experiences and best practices, including communication with staff, suppliers, retailers, consultants, customers and more.
  • Improvement in real-time and on-site guidance and automatic tracking of processes and activities and tracing of agricultural products from farm-2-fork (or cradle to grave).

The purpose of CALIS AgriXpress online solution is to support the marketability of agribusiness products, services and related data and resources. The platform and corresponding solutions provides the requisite standards for 3rd party developers, suppliers of agro products and services including, retailers, producers, manufacturers, farmers, last mile delivery service providers and other related distribution functions in the agribusiness chain. CALIS AgriXpress online is developed by Novitek Solutions ApS in Denmark and serves to provide marketability

CALIS AgriXpress online is developed by Novitek Solutions ApS in Denmark and serves to provide marketability of agribusiness production, products, data and resources. The CALIS AgriXpress online platform is a multivendor e-commerce platform for buying and selling of food products and other agribusiness related products and services. It includes cross spanning innovative functionality for actors across the agribusiness sector and related supply chains, covering buying and selling products.