• All Products
  • Edible Only
  • Non-Edible Only
  • B2B and B2C Services Only

Membership or Sign-up as an Agro Products or Services Supplier, Wholesaler, Retailer, Producer, Manufacturer or Farmer

The typical sellers and suppliers of the CALIS Agrixpress platform include:

  • Individual sellers (non-professional)
  • Small shop or other small business owner
  • Agri food retailers (larger or chain)

To get started with How to become a supplier

In order to become a supplier on CALIS AgriXpress you will need to submit an eSeller’s application form, which must be approved. This is to ensure the authentity and integrity of the seller, and that sellers have the necessary legal approvals and documentation required for selling their products in the respective target countries/regions.

You will be directed to the Seller’s application form the first time you try to add a product.

To complete the form, you will need to give accurate details on the product categories you are planning to sell, and in which countries/regions you are planning to operate.

You are also required to upload documentation (scanned document, pdf) that proofs your identity, and official approvals for your selling activities.

Approval of the form is associated with a fee, which varies according to your region/country. However, if your country belongs to the list of countries. Eg EU and West Africa it is free to submit the Seller’s application form.

List of countries with no-cost Seller’s application option:

West Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cabo Verde (Cape Verde), Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha (United Kingdom Overseas Territory), Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo.

EU countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Republic of Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden.

Upon completing and submitting the form, you will receive an answer (approval / rejection) by the latest 7 work days. If the application is disapproved, 90% of the fee, if a fee was applicable, will be paid back.

Instructions to complete and Submit an Online eSales Application

In order to avoid fraud and other issues associated with data privacy, trust, etc, we expect all new Sellers to submit an online application for validation before your products and services can be uploaded to the general public.

Please make sure you have all the following documents ready for upload before you proceed.

  • Scanned copy of your Driver’s License or Passport (or any authorized valid ID with your photo).
  • Documentation or proof that you as an individual entity or business entity are authorized to sell the products and/or services you want to sell on this platform.
  • Other Supporting Documents must include at least the following four as you will be required to upload:
    • Certificate or written document from your country’s authorities supporting or allowing you to sell your products and services to the public. Examples of such documents can be from the: a) chamber of commerce, b) internal revenue service (IRS), c) VAT and/or Tax authorities, d) market authorities and cooperatives, e) ministry of food and agriculture, f) country’s Food and Drugs Board/Agency or g) anybody that has a similar authority or the right to grant such authority.
    • A valid VISA or Mastercard for Payment of Application fee (if application fee applies to your country). If you are in Africa (eg. Ghana, our payment gateway supports MTN, VODAFONE and Airtel-TIGO mobile payments). This is ONLY required if the validation of your ed-application in your country is not FREE. However, as a supplier we need your account information so that your money can be suredly transferred to you or your organisation.
    • You will be required to provide the name, address, phone number, email and all other relevant information of the authorizing body that granted you the approval to sell agro products and/or services in order to speed up the validation process.
    • Documents to be submitted must be in *,pdf, *.word, *.jpg, *.png formats

      The validation process will require you to complete the following four sections

      • Personal and Business Information
      • Food Categories and Approvals
      • Upload Documentation
  • Payment of Application Validation Fee (if it is not free for your country). Please select your country and check.

Check the cost of your validation fee as it depends on the country you are from before proceeding.